First off, welcome to The Student Educator
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this website's articles. This website is running for free currently and everything is written here is produced in my own free time, so stopping by and leaving feedback is always welcome and encouraged.
Who is Ryan Longo?
Well, I am the sole writer on this platform and the one who manages the website. I'm basically a one-man-band of sorts. I enjoy teaching and public speaking(which I do a lot of in the BSA). I'm also very passionate about education and where it is heading in this country so I do my best to learn as much as possible about it. I'm planning on becoming a politician when I get older and intend to do whatever I can to make out school systems better. This website is my dream and some of my first attempts to learn what it's like to take a deeper analysis of all the legislation and politics involved with U.S. Education.
What's so different about the Student Educator compared to other websites?
The number one complaint I hear from just about any student I've talked to about schooling in America is that they don't like the school system or don't understand why it's run the way it is. I intend to try and tackle that problem here. This website is not here to push my opinion on other people, I'm here to inform people on what's going on and how it will affect them and their education as objectively as possible.
Why is this important?
Most students feel like they have no power to control where their public education goes. It's scary not understanding the very establishment that shapes the first 18 years of your life, I feel that the best way to tackle this problem is helping others learn what's going on around them.
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